Friday, May 1, 2015

Adrian's Preemie Arrival

My cousin gave birth to her son Adrian the 3rd of April that Friday Night. She was only seven months pregnant when she had to deliver my cousin in an emergency c-section. My cousin has delivered prematurely before but she was still frightened because Adrian only weight 2 pounds and 3 ounces when we was first born. He was admitted into the NICU under close supervision. In the picture above my cousin Adrian is about 2 weeks old, he is inside an incubator, connected to a ventilator because his lungs were still weak to breathe on his own, the little sponge on his right side of his leg is a tube that contains caffeine to help the lungs become stronger. His eyes are also covered because they were very sensitive and delicate to light at the time, Adrian also had a feeding tube through his nose to help him eat. Adrian is now 4 pounds and 10 ounces he was released from the NICU just a few days ago, he was able to leave because he had reached the ideal weight, he can now be bottle fed and breathe on his own. Of course my cousin still has precautions because the baby's immune system is not that strong but baby Adrian is growing bigger and healthier each day.

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